Dr. Douglas Pew, award-winning composer praised by former Tabernacle Choir Director, Craig Jessop as an "outstanding composer whose writing for voices is filled with sensitivity and beauty, always complementing the spirit of the text" teaches you...

How to Turn Your Favorite Book of Mormon Scripture Into a Gorgeous Primary Song in 10 Weeks!
So you can make the message of the scriptures unforgettable for your children and grandchildren through song and plant the seed of your testimony in their hearts for generations to come!
Classes Begin Monday, April 1st, 2024
Quick Workshop Overview...

This workshop is to prepare you to submit your pieces to Come Follow Me, FHE, to be used in the 2024 Book of Mormon monthly packets for LDS families.

Select 2 or 3 favorite scriptures from the Book of Mormon you want to turn into a Primary Song to leave as a testimony legacy for your family.

Discover how to turn a non-poetic, non-rhythmicized scripture text into a well-rounded melody with stick power so the scripture message becomes unforgettable.

Match the emotions you feel when pondering your favorite scripture verse and translate them into musical harmonies so you can fill their hearts with your love for the Lord.

Create a piano part that encapsulates your emotional harmony and becomes as much a vehicle for testimony declaration as your melody does.

FREE BONUS #1 - Get Dr. Doug's FULL analysis of 5 of his best Scripture-Based Primary Songs to use as a model, or an inspiration for your song.

FREE BONUS #2 - Dr. Doug will personally typeset your finished hymn arrangement in Finale so you can print professional-looking copies for your ward choir.

Registration Closes on Saturday, March 30th, 2024...

From: Dr. Douglas Pew 

Where: Just North of Utah Lake

Lehi, Utah

Dear LDS Music Friend, 

You've felt the ache in your heart when someone close to you loses their testimony.

But when it's your own child? 

Your own flesh and blood who you nurtured and taught and sacrificed so much of your life to help them climb the mountain of faith... "how can it be?"

With wet eyes, you fumble through the day wondering how this could happen? They were such good missionaries! They were so strong! 


Helps you turn your favorite scriptures into unforgettable Primary Songs "so our children may know to what source they can look for a remission of their sins."

You try to stop biting your lip and shaking your head. Your eyes widen as you scramble to understand, vowing you'll be the loving example they need from here on out.

And then your brow wrinkles and you start pacing through the house as a deeper, sickening worry stirs in the pit of your stomach... 

"What About Their Children?"

"How will they know? Will they ever have a testimony?"

Since Latricia's son lost his testimony, she's worried her grandsons will struggle to gain and retain their own testimonies. 

She wanted to find a way to help her grandsons gain and retain a testimony of the Restored Gospel.

Knowing how powerful music is at burrowing deeper into hearts than the spoken word, she wanted to find a way to express her conviction of the Gospel through music.

If she could just plant her testimony into their young hearts, maybe this seed could grow into a great faith down the road.

She began composing two new Primary Song during a Latter-Day Musiversity workshop

The first was "If Any of  You Lack Wisdom," based on James 1:5.

And the second, "I Believe In Jesus," was based on an original text filled with her testimony.

As she taught the boys her songs during one of her visits, she smiled as their little voices began singing along.

The earnest expression on their faces warmed her heart.

It was an expression that said they knew that...

Grandma loved them enough to
write a song just for them!

Who knows what the future holds for Latricia's grandsons?

But I know Latricia feels grateful to have something special she's created for her family that can help them feel the Spirit for years to come.

It's a way she can be the missionary they may need in the years ahead.

Watching this story unfold in Latricia's life helped me see how important it is, like Lehi said the spreading of the Gospel, "to make these things know unto the inhabitants of the earth."

"But, turning a scripture into a singable, memorable Primary Song, that sounds really hard!
Can I really do it?"
It's true...

Composing a Primary Song based on a word-for-word verse of scripture is not the easiest project.

It's certainly more challenging than composing a Primary Song to poeticized, rhythmicized lyrics.

But setting the Word of God, word-for-word...

What better way to get the redeeming truths of the Gospel to sink into the minds and hearts of your family?

Composing these types of songs has become a very big passion for me.

I've spent a great deal of time focusing on creating accessible, memorable, singable Primary Songs based on the exact words of my favorite scriptures.

Favorite verses such as...

1 Nephi 1:20.

Or... Joseph Smith History 1:17.

And many others.

I've developed a system for turning scriptural texts into melodies children can sing and remember.

But it does take a little longer to arrive at the finish line, which is why this workshop is 12 weeks long instead of the usual 8 weeks we spend in the regular Primary Songwriting Workshop.

And now I'm thrilled to announce that now I'm going to share all of my scripture-based Primary Songwriting secrets with you... so you can leave a testimony legacy for your family.

Introducing An All-New LIVE Workshop Where You'll...
Walk In With a Blank Page, Walk Out 10 Weeks Later with A Gorgeous Primary Song Setting Your Favorite Book of Mormon Scripture to Music Word-for-Word!
Here’s What You'll Experience During This All-New LIVE Workshop...
Beginning on Monday, April 1st, 2024, we will meet twice a week for 10 full weeks.

Each meeting will occur LIVE inside my private Zoom channel.

We'll begin at 12 pm Mountain Time and end at 1 pm.

All calls will be recorded and uploaded to a membership site so you can access each class, even after the 10 weeks ends.

You'll walk in with a blank page and walk out 10 weeks later with a completed scripture-based Primary Song with piano accompaniment.

Generally speaking, each Monday will begin with some general instruction including some analysis. And each Thursday will be a critique session so we can continually work through your piece. Some Mondays will also be workshopping sessions so everyone can have adequate critique time.

We'll focus our work in 3 major areas to help you complete your scripture-based Primary Song as follows...
PART 1 - Scripture Selection, Structure, & Melody
(6 Weeks)

Selecting 2 or 3 favorite scriptures you could use for this project.

Massaging your scripture selection into syllable groups that can become melodic kernels.

How to handle a scripture text that's too long, or too short. Using my trimming and stretching techniques to fill out believable melodic structure.

My 4 "go-to" song structures for scripture-based Primary Songs... why I use each, in which context, and how they make your scripture verse come alive musically.

Knowing how much of your text to repeat, when to repeat, and when not to repeat to keep your song lean, clean, and sounding inevitable.

Picking up emotional cues from the scripture text to create the emotion-scape of your song, without which, it will be less likely to sink down into the hearts of those who sing and hear it.

Counter-intuitive melodic techniques that look WRONG for Primary Children, but that end up working WONDERFULLY for your song because they make your tune MORE memorable.

Borrowing techniques of the master composers of English scripture texts... like Mendelssohn, Purcell, Britten, John Rutter, Herbert Howells, and others.

Creating a clear dramatic arc for your melody with a satisfying climax... PLUS... how to know if you need a coda extension or not.

PART 2 - Heart-Warming Harmony
(2 Weeks)

Creating the wind beneath your melody's wings so it can soar effortlessly and create the "feels" you want to induce upon your listeners and singers.

Using diatonic harmony in its raw, natural state for a foundation on which to build and mold.

Playing in the sandbox of chromatic harmony to give your song much more likelihood of sinking down into people's hearts.

Constructing cadences that work as open doors to each new section of your song so the listener can't wait to see and hear what's right around each corner.

PART 3 - Polyphonic "Dialogue" Piano Accompaniment
(2 Weeks)

The "String Quartet" secret to MUCH more engaging piano parts... even when writing simplified piano parts that Primary Songs require.

Carefully involving the simplified piano part into a polyphonic dialogue with the melody adding depth and deeper meaning that not even the best block harmonies can create.

Crafting highs and lows that give more meaning to the doctrinal landscape while staying in the parameters of simplified piano writing.

And much more!

PLUS... You Get These 3 FREE Bonuses...
FREE BONUS #1 - Complete Analysis of 5 of Dr. Doug's "Sing the Scriptures" Songs
I will provide a complete, detailed analysis of 5 of my own best scripture-based Primary Songs so you can see how I approach these types of pieces. You can borrow and model them, if you'd like. Better still, with my full analysis, you'll get into my head as I show you how I made important decisions through the composition process.

We will refer to these works often throughout the 12 weeks so you can draw upon the building blocks they employ.

($250 value)
FREE BONUS #2 - Dr. Doug Typesets Your Piece for Printing
Once your scripture-based song is finished, you don't have to worry about making it pretty and printable.

I will personally typeset your arrangement in Finale and deliver a PDF to you for printing.

That way you can focus on creativity and not worry about getting bogged down in notation nightmares.

($250 value)
FREE BONUS #3 - Dr. Doug Publishes Your Song
Now, you can have your music professionally edited (by me) and published for free download in the Latter-Day Musiversity Press catalog.

You'll have a page on my site where anyone can come to download your music for free.

($99 value)
Enroll Today In The "Composing Your Book of Mormon Primary Song" LIVE Workshop!
Enroll before registration closes on Saturday, March 30th, 2024!
Here’s What My Students Are Saying…
"I believe that one of our missions in life is not only to develop our own talents, but to help bring out and help develop the talents of others. Dr. Doug has done that in these classes, and the members of these classes has done that with each other. You can't put words to that, really. Thank you!"
 - Connie Jo Ziegler

"I've appreciated everyone in the class so much. I felt SO inadequate. But nobody ever made me feel that way. Everybody was very encouraging. I've definitely been edified and inspired by all the members of the class, and by you, Dr. Doug. Thanks!"
 - Melanie Litton

"I'm amazed that every one of our songs is so unique. Every one of them has something so beautiful in it. It just blows my mind to think that we did this!"
 - Claire Nabrotzky

"I really enjoyed participating in Dr. Pew's hymn arranging and hymn writing classes. I was impressed with both his extensive knowledge and his great teaching skills. He carefully balanced the various needs of class members--who were at different musical levels."

"He not only welcomed questions but also listened carefully to determine how to increase our understanding. He taught in a positive, kind and supportive way, yet he also pushed us to the next level. And his humor was a bonus! I highly recommend his classes!" 
 - Latricia Booth
"Doug’s classes have been a godsend for someone like me, someone without any training in composition or much background in musical theory. He is, truly, a musical Renaissance man. He is a tireless worker who has created a remarkable number of useful aids for making his students more successful."

"Doug is personable and makes his hour-long classes enjoyable. He is a very kind and exceedingly helpful critic. Rather than being intimidated, I find these sharing sessions exciting now, and look forward to them, knowing that my efforts will be appreciated and improved." 

"Thanks to this experience, I have developed a confidence in my abilities that I have never had before."
 - Betty Wells
Enroll Today In The "Composing Your Book of Mormon Primary Song" LIVE Workshop!
Enroll before registration closes on Saturday, March 30th, 2024!
Not Sure You're A Good Fit?
You need at least a basic working knowledge of introductory harmony to get started. But you don't have to necessarily know all the nerdy Roman numerals and terms the crazy people like me know.

If you can play a good amount of the hymns and primary songs...

If you know about major chords and minor chords and maybe some diminished chords, I can help you create a lovely arrangement.

Of course, there will be various levels of experience in the workshop. But don't let this stop you from participating.

I will help fill in many gaps to get your arrangement finished in our 10 weeks together.

Even beginners can succeed in this workshop.
Your Family Will Treasure Your Song for Many Years to Come!
Just imagine...

How would you feel when your time comes if you weren't sure you left enough behind to keep your testimony alive?

On the other hand, how will you feel knowing you managed to put your testimony in 1 or 2 or 5 or 15 scripture-based songs?

Songs that act as a time capsule. Each time your family sings them, your testimony returns to them and drives a little deeper.

In my experience, with all the blah-blah accolades and stuff...

The most satisfying musical experience I've ever had is hearing my children sing and love scripture-based songs.

They learn the scriptures word-for-word... they stick in their mind... and they sink down into their hearts.

They get my personal testimony feelings instantaneously into their hearts on demand.

This brings me SUCH joy, knowing I've done a little something to bring the scriptures to life for a new generation.

And you can too!

The decision to enroll in this LIVE workshop is yours, of course.

But I'll be with you at every step of the way.

Enroll below before registration closes on March 30th, 2024 at midnight to begin creating your musical testimony time capsule.

See you soon,
PS - Whether it's your first or next scripture-based Primary Song, composing your piece with my assistance can be a rewarding, eye-opening, special experience.

Yes, it will be challenging. Yes, you'll have moments where you doubt yourself.

But if you stick with it and do your best, I know I can help you create a special testimony experience your family can enjoy for generations.

Enroll below before registration closes on March 30th, 2024 at midnight.
***PSST! - If you're a Musivangelists Club Member, don't forget to use your 20% off coupon code. Check your email for the code I sent you.

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  • 1xBook of Mormon Primary Song Workshop (Apr. 2024)$0

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2 PRIVATE LESSONS: Don't miss this chance to save!

Special limited-time offer, get two 30-minute private lessons with Dr. Doug for only $75!
Private lessons are usually only available to members of the Musivangelists Club and for $50 per 30-minute session. For a limited-time you can get a full hour with me for just $75!

Choose a pricing option:

  • Preferred option
    Scripture-Based Primary Song Workshop ($695.00)$695.00
  • Preferred option
    Scripture-Based Primary Song Workshop (3x $235.00)3x $235.00

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