Dr. Douglas Pew, award-winning composer praised by Tabernacle Choir Director Craig Jessop as an "outstanding composer of beautiful sacred music,"  teaches you...

How to Compose Your Own Original Primary Song In Only 8 Weeks—Even If You Don't Have A Degree In Music
If you can play even some of the Hymns and Primary Songs on the piano, you can quickly learn to compose a beautiful, testimony-building Primary Song.

I'll show you how, in 5 simple steps, to turn your testimony into song so you can pass on your deep feelings for the Gospel to your loved ones, keeping your testimony alive for generations to come!
Introducing the 8-Week LIVE Workshop...

"This was an incredible experience. I never thought I could ever write a song. But I did it, and I loved singing it with my family at our family reunion. It was very special! The gratitude I feel for you and what you are doing and for this class is far beyond any words I can write."

- Margie Christensen,

Primary Songwriting School Student
Our Next LIVE Workshop Begins On
Monday, March 17th, 2025.
Enroll Today and Get 81% Off!
Click Below to Register in this Life-Changing LIVE Workshop!

This live, 8-week workshop does NOT require tons of musical education or background. If you're still very new to writing music of any kind, but you can play the hymns and/or primary songs on the piano (even from the simplified hymnal), you can succeed in this class. 

If you're a little more advanced, you'll love this experience because you'll be able to write many songs to share your testimony even more.

Give Your Family the Gift of Your Testimony Woven Into a Memorable, Beautiful, Original Primary Song

From: Dr. Douglas Pew 

Where: Just North of Utah Lake

Lehi, Utah

Dear LDS Music Friend, 

So many people think, "I could never write a Primary Song."

Yet, the truth is, if you can play the standard hymns and Primary Songs on the piano, I can help you compose a gorgeous Primary Song during our 8-week workshop.

You might even be thinking...
"Yeah, but will my song be any good?"

Well, let me put it this way:

One of our workshop members, Heather Enke, wrote a song called "Gloria" in one of our workshops. 


Helps you leave a testimony legacy for your family so your "children may know to what source they can look for a remission of their sins."
(2 Nephi 25:26)

And recently, the Church picked it up and asked if they could publish it in the 2024 Friend magazine.

You can listen to it here and watch the animation the Church put together.

Isn't that great?!

Of course, I can't promise you that the song you write in our workshop will get picked up by the Ensign.

However, I can promise you that I'll walk you, step-by-step through the exact same process Heather used.

And I'll be with you at every step of the way to make sure that your song is a beautiful as it possibly can be.
But the more important question here is...

Will your loved ones remember your testimony when you're gone?

Will your children and grandchildren remember how much the Gospel meant to you?

When difficult times come their way... when they doubt... when they're lost... 

Will the mere memory of your belief be enough to help them find their way again? 

Or will your testimony be forgotten?

And what about your loved ones who left the path?

How will they find their way back? 

And if they don't find their way back, what will become of their children?

Will the Gospel light be snuffed out of their family?
Will they ever have a chance of gaining a testimony?
That's exactly what my student, Latricia Booth, worried about when she first enrolled in the Primary Songwriting School course.

Since her son left the Church, 

she worried about her grandsons.

She wanted to find a way to help them gain and retain a testimony of the Restored Gospel without upsetting her son.

Knowing the power of good music and how well it carries the Spirit into people's hearts... 

Latricia prayed she could write a song that would help her grandsons feel the Spirit. Or, at the very least, help them to know that Grandma has a testimony of the Gospel.
Maybe, just maybe, if she could plant the seed of her testimony into their young hearts through a song... maybe this seed could grow into faith down the road.
In a few weeks, she completed her new Primary Song, "I Believe In Jesus."  She filled the lyrics and music with all the feelings, love, and testimony should could.

And not long after, she went to visit her son and grandsons for Thanksgiving.

During one afternoon alone with the boys, she taught them her song. 

Feelings of warmth, joy, and gratitude overcame her as their little voices began singing along.

The earnest expression on their faces warmed her heart. It was as if they were saying...

"Grandma loved us enough to write us a song!"

They really felt it. And even months later, when she saw them again, they remembered her song and sang it with her. 
It worked! They remembered! Perhaps there was hope after all!
Who knows what the future holds for Latricia's grandsons?

But I know Latricia feels grateful to have something special she's created for her family that can help them feel the Spirit for years to come.

It's a way she can be the missionary they may need in the years ahead.
Watching this story unfold in Latricia's life reminded me why writing testimony-building primary songs is SO worth the time and energy. 

Because, like Nephi said, "we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we prophesy of Christ... that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." (2 Nephi 25:26)

Yet, how is it that a simple song can 

help your loved ones gain or build their testimony?

There's an incredible power in music... especially music written with the purpose of blessing the lives of others and transmitting feelings.

It's so powerful that... with just a few notes... it can bring all the feelings of your testimony back to life for your loved ones.

I first experienced this musical testimony-power for myself as a new, 19-year-old missionary. I'd recently arrived in far away Antofagasta, Chile, for a 2-year mission adventure, and I was struggling.

One lonely Sunday evening, I sat gazing out my window across the waves of the Pacific Ocean, wondering if I'd ever been of any help to anybody... 

If I could ever help others come to Christ... even people I'd never met.
I pulled out a letter my Dad had written me that week and re-read it. 

As I read his advice to remember that I was on the Lord's errand and that he would help me if I held on to my belief, something special happened.
My Dad's words sparked a memory of the song he'd written about his testimony years before.
In the blink of an eye, the melody of my Dad's song, "I Believe" ... composed for our Stake Youth Choir when I was just 14 years old ... came back to my mind with perfect clarity.

As I hummed the tune, all the feelings of my Dad's testimony that he'd woven into this song came FLOODING back!
It was like MAGIC! I don't know how else to explain it.
I knew my Dad knew. I felt his faith. I felt his testimony. I felt his faith in me that I could fulfill my duty and succeed as a missionary. 

All of this, in an instant, from the memory of a melody he wrote years before.

Somehow, music just has that special power of communicating heart to heart.

Years later, when I shared this story on Facebook, I wasn't the only one who remembered the HUGE impact this song had. 

Dozens of my teenage friends who sang this song in choir with me in the 90s commented about how much my Dad's song had impacted their testimonies too! Here are just a few of their memories...
This was a very special demonstration for my Dad too... to see how, decades later, his song was still affecting many lives.

You really CAN have an incredible impact on your loved ones with your own testimony-filled song.

And that's why...
Even though I used to be full-time professional composer who was focused on writing operas, winning competitions, and getting published by major companies...

I've put all of that aside and begun focusing my music efforts on helping friends like you turn your testimony into song.

Because I know just how powerful a tool a testimony song can be. And I've had the privilege of not only writing dozens of songs like these for my own children...

But I've also helped many of aspiring new writers create stunning, spirit-rich, testimony-filled original Primary Songs.

Meet Your Instructor, Dr. Doug

So, who is this Dr. Doug Pew guy? Well, first of all I'm a recovering music snob.

I've been blessed to study music at some of the greatest institutions in the United States and Europe, including a Fulbright Scholarship to get my post-doc at the Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, Poland. My music has been featured at venues such as Carnegie Hall, the John F. Kennedy Center, and a host of other venues around the world. And I spent many years teaching at the university level.

So, yes, I've been around the block. But I've left that cut-throat world behind. Not because I couldn't hack it... I was riding high in the classical world. I left because it wasn't fulfilling. It used to be all about ME. But now, it's not. It's all about YOU.

Now I have a new and MUCH more important mission. That is, to help as many Latter-Day Saints turn their testimonies into song. 

I left this world behind. But I learned a ton that I now share with you to help bring your testimony to many more people.

Why? Because our children need to know "to what source they can look for a remission of their sins." (2 Nephi 25:26) 

Music has an incredible power to bypass the intellect and get straight down into people's hearts. 

And now YOU can create your own testimony time capsule in the form of a special song your loved ones can sing now, and long after you're gone. 

When I hear my kids singing one of my testimony songs around the house because they're stuck in their heads/hearts...
That means FAR more to me than any composer accolade.
Because in the grand scheme of things, music is MOST valuable when it is used as a tool to bring the world His truth. And that's the purpose of this workshop.
Join me on my mission to bring more light to the world and grow more testimonies through the power of music!
And I can't wait to help you do the same.

That's why I created this one-of-a-kind music course...

Primary Songwriting School

Turning Your Testimony Into Song

To Inspire Your Loved Ones for Generations

Complete 8-Week LIVE Workshop
I'm going to take you by the hand through my proven 5-stage path of writing a gorgeous Primary Song.

And you're in luck, because if you went back to school to learn all of this instead, it would be FAR more expensive, and you'd have to take several classes to get what you'll get in this program.

Beginning on Monday, March 17th, 2025, we will meet twice a week for 8 full weeks, each Monday and Thursday at 1 pm, mountain time. 

Each meeting will occur LIVE inside my private Zoom channel. 

We'll begin at 1 pm Mountain Time, and end at 2 pm. 

All calls will be recorded and uploaded to a membership site so you can access each class, even after the 8 weeks ends. 

When you enroll in the workshop, you'll receive access to the membership area inside a platform called ThriveCart. It's really easy to use, and you can access the course on your desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

You're going to enjoy this journey. And you're going to surprise yourself at each step of the journey as you complete each element in order.
Here's The 5-Step Plan To Finishing Your Song...
MODULE 1 (Intro): Foundations of Good Primary Songwriting
We'll begin by laying a firm foundation of fundamentals. In this module I'll help you get into the free flow of musical creation. Plus, you'll get my personal Finale notation file templates so you can make your song look as good as it's going to sound.

In this module you'll also discover...

The two types of Primary Songs and which one you never want to write. I'll show you how to make sure the message of your song sinks deep into people's hearts instead of falling on deaf ears.

The "beware of pride" way of thinking about Primary Songwriting. Taking the first steps down the "testimony" songwriting path before you've written a single word or note.

Why the perfect Primary Song has nothing to do with little black dots on the page. What never to focus on while writing a testimony song. 

MODULE 2 (Weeks 1-2): Composing Your LYRICS
You never have to fear the writing of lyrics again. Using the tools inside this module, you'll create your own, original lyrics structured to perfection using my "Grid" method. Crafting proper beats, rhymes, and structurally sound lyrics has never been so easy. You'll discover...

How to make the most difficult part of writing your song FUN and EASY! You'll select a lyric structure and meter for your primary song lyrics.

How to "chart" your lyric's success. Using a syllable-count chart as well as a rhyming chart to make sure your lyrics are ready to set to a lovely melody.

Common lyric-writing challenges and how to overcome them. The parameters required for good Primary Song lyrics save you from drowning in what could be an over-complicated maze of words.

Which Primary Song structure you should use. Your lyrics will lead you to one of 4 basic structures which give you song inevitability and make it easier to follow for singers and audiences alike.

MODULE 3 (Weeks 3-4): Composing Your MELODY
Almost nobody anywhere teaches how to compose really memorable melodies... even at the top-notch schools I attended. Many people believe that composing memorable melodies is an elusive and even impossible lost art. Yet, in this course, you'll learn proven, powerful techniques for writing memorable melodies that stick in the ear, the mind, and the soul... the kinds of melodies that can outlast you on this planet. I'll help you discover these tools, including...

The "steal like an artist" secret to composing powerful melodies. You'll learn how to tastefully borrow from the best melodies to write yours while making it completely unique.

How to build the foundation of a powerful melody using only rhythm. In fact, if you use notes too soon, you can easily derail your progress and end up going in mediocre-melody circles. 

An "atomic" habit great melody writers use to make their melodies stick in your mind. You've heard hundreds of these "atoms" in films and great classical works from the past. You'll learn to harness them so the feelings of your testimony will embed themselves into your melodies.

What never to leave out when building the architecture of your complete melodic journey. Without this melodic punctuation, your melody will never become the ear-worm it needs to be to stick in the mind and heart of any listener, adult or child.

How to get two-times, three-times, and even four-times the mileage out of some notes to write long melodies from short fragments. With only 12 notes in the entire chromatic scale, you have to rely on more than a variety of pitches to write a great melody. This "elongation" secret will create almost infinite possibilities for any melodic kernel you create.

MODULE 4 (Weeks 5-6): Composing Your HARMONY
Many people, including my professors, told me that harmony was hard. And the way they taught it, it was. In this module, you'll learn harmony differently, and it's NOT hard. You'll even learn to use chromatic chords university students have to wait over a year to learn to use. Plus, you'll get the easy "how-to" of it all in just a few weeks. 

Here's what else you'll discover in this module...

Why harmony's really easy when you follow the chord maps you'll use in this course. You'll discover which chords to use and in which order with the shortcuts to harmonic success I've developed over many years of composing.

How to select new-sounding, NOT run-of-the-mill chords. You'll have the tools to give your chords a special, unique sound without overdoing it or sounding "ordinary" or "cheesy."

The "Chopin" secret for coloring your Primary Song with a powerful yearning that brings hearts closer to God. Luckily, all you need is one little note to start tugging on your listener's heartstrings with this technique. It's simple, but the applications are far-reaching and emotionally profound.

How to color your Primary Song with fresh newness and colors that can portray many of your most private emotions. Using these tools is like using an emotional divining rod that points you directly to the rushing waters of your listener's deepest feelings.

MODULE 5 (Weeks 7-8): Composing Your PIANO PART
Your piano part is the icing on the testimony cake of your Primary Song. It is the glue that holds together all the emotional power of your feelings. And in this module, you'll discover how to craft a pleasing, easy-to-play piano part using techniques such as...

A fail-safe process for making sure your piano part doesn't overwhelm the Primary Pianist. Your piano part will sound great and be easy to play.

How to support the melody, provide harmonic stability, and a beautiful backdrop to your primary song. Using the mantras and templates proven by the master composers for hundreds of years, you'll quickly select a style of piano writing that will enhance the mood and spiritual feel of your song.

The little-known secret of established patterns, variations, and "molds" for presenting piano chords in interesting and fresh ways. Classical and modern composers use them all the time. Yet, almost nobody knows about them, let alone teaches them to others. But I do. I'll share them with you, and they'll be yours to keep. I will show you exactly how to put them together, when to use them, and how to make them sound great!

PLUS... You Get These 4 FREE Bonuses...
FREE BONUS #1 - Dr. Doug Personally Typesets Your Sheet Music for Printing (value $295)
Who else wants their primary song typeset as a professional-looking, publisher-quality piece for FREE? That's what you'll get once you finish your song. I'll personally set it using Finale notation software.
FREE BONUS #2 - Dr. Doug Will Professionally Publish Your Song In the Latter-Day Musiversity Press Catalogue (value $295)
Not only will you have a finished song by the end of our 8 weeks together... but I will also publish your song. You will be a PUBLISHED composer! 

I now publish ALL of my LDS music inside the Latter-Day Musiversity Press website for free download. And this is a place where I also publish the music of my students. Now, you can publish your primary songs right alongside mine. And with me as your editor, you will have a professional stamp of approval on your song.

You will keep the copyright to your song, and it will be available as a free download on the website for anyone to enjoy.
FREE BONUS #3 - How To Compose a 2-Part Primary Song & Descant (value $99)
During this bonus training, you'll discover...

How to compose a primary song like "A Child's Prayer," which depends upon 2 melodies working together simultaneously.

What to leave out of the piano part to help the kids sing with more confidence.

The "window" secret to making the 2 separate melodies blend in perfect harmony while each standing out as its own unique tune.

FREE BONUS #4 - Full Analysis of 5 of Dr. Doug's Primary Songs (value $499)
Sometimes the best way to learn how to do something is by breaking down and analyzing the work of another. in this bonus, I'll personally walk you through 5 of my own primary songs so you can learn how I personally put everything in this course to practice. 

You'll get 15 additional video lessons watching me talk through every step of the songwriting process of 5 of my songs.

You'll get additional insights into lyrics, melody, harmony, and piano parts in the context of my own song.

Everything You Get In The
Primary Songwriting School

The 5-Part Songwriting Path ($999 Value)

Bonus #1: Dr. Doug Typesets Your Song for Printing ($295 Value)

Bonus #2: Dr. Doug Publishes Your Song In His LDM Press Catalogue for Free Download ($295 Value)

Bonus #3: How to Compose a 2-Part Primary Song ($99 Value) 

Bonus #4: Full Analysis of 5 of Dr. Doug's Most Effective Primary Songs ($499 Value)

Total Value of $2,584
Participate In This Live Workshop and...
SAVE 81%!
Enroll Today for Only $495!
Enroll In This Live Workshop Before Classes Begin on Monday, March 17th, 2025 at 1:00 pm.

First-Time Writer Wins 1st Prize In The Church's Music Submissions Competition!

The methods in this course really work.

In fact, one student... Christina Bishop... won 1st place in the Church's annual music submissions competition with the song she wrote in THIS course. 

Her song, "Christ Knows I'm Kneeling," was selected from a host of submitted songs (including songs by Janice Kapp Perry, Sally DeFord, Vanya Watkins, and others) and received the 1st prize, the Award of Distinction in the category of Children's Songs.
You can hear her discussing the piece and singing through it in this video. 

What I love about this story is, this was Christina's first time writing a complete Primary Song. She found a way to encapsulate her testimony into her song in a powerful way. And the Church music committee agreed that her song was very successful in spreading the spirit through her song.
And this is just ONE of dozens of stories I could tell you about my students. Even brand-new beginners are turning their testimony into song in this course.

Which is why I'm so excited to invite you to enroll, because I know you can do it too!

You Have 14 Days to Try It Out

Here's Your No-Questions-Asked, 100%, 14-Day, Money-Back "Happiness" Guarantee

Here's my promise to you...

The Primary Songwriting School LIVE Workshop will help you go from blank page to finished Primary song. A song you can be proud of. A song filled with your testimony. You have everything you need right here in this course.

I guarantee these methods of writing will work for you, just like they've worked for dozens of committed LDS musicians who have used them. 
As soon as you enroll, you'll get an email giving you complete and immediate access to all the videos and tools. All you have to do is put them to use and sit back to enjoy the results. Of course, you'll want to attend our twice weekly live classes to get feedback from me pesonally.

But, if you're not satisfied for ANY reason...

Just let me and my team know with a quick email to doug @ latterdaymusiversity.com within 14 days of purchase, and we'll send you a full refund.

No one in over 4 years of holding these workshops has ever asked for a refund. So, I'm pretty sure you will be completely satisfied with the experience. But if not, just let me know.

Sound fair?
Enroll In This Live Workshop and...
SAVE 81%!
Enroll Today for Only $2,584 $495

Classes Begin on Monday, March 17th, 2025.
Imagine How Much Good Your Song Can Do to Build Testimonies In Your Family
There are many ways to share your testimony. All are important. But I can't think of a more effective way to encapsulate the feeling embedded in your testimony than encasing it in an original Primary Song.

How many times have you been comforted by a simple Primary Song like "I Am a Child of God" or "I Feel My Savior's Love"?

And when you compose your first (or next) Primary Song following the process I've developed, you'll have a testimony time capsule your family can enjoy for many years to come.

If you'd like to turn your testimony into song...
Even if you're a little nervous about your ability...
This course is for you! And I'll be with you at every step of the way to make sure you succeed!

It's up to you, of course. It may seem a bit expensive at $495. But when you compare it to a semester class at a University, this is FAR less expensive, but you'll finish the course with a finished, publishable Primary Song.

8 weeks... individually coached composition by me... and the tools to turn your testimony into song... well... to me, that's pretty priceless. But I admit, I am pretty biased. 

The decision is yours, of course. 

But if you're ready to take the leap, I'll be with you at every step of the journey.

If you're ready to enroll, just fill out your info below and I'll send you access to the member's area soon. 

Here's to the noble pursuit of creating a testimony time capsule for your family through song!
PS - If you want to create a special testimony song you can share with your family, this Primary Songwriting School LIVE Workshop may be the best way... short of enrolling in private composition lessons with an expert either at a university or privately.

Luckily for you, I've got all the expertise of a University professor (because I was one) and a professional composer (because I am one).

AND, enrolling in a workshop experience like this is both MUCH less expensive than private lessons... AND has the benefit of camaraderie of working with other like-minded songwriters all seeking to turn their testimony into song.

Let's bring our strengths together and help you turn your testimony into song!
Enroll In This Live Workshop and...
SAVE 81%!
Enroll Today for Only $2,584 $495

Classes Begin on Monday, March 17th, 2025.
Hear More Songs of Primary Songwriting School Students
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THIS PAGE ONLY! Get 2 private lessons for 25% off. Meet twice for 1-on-1 calls. (Only $75)
I usually only offer private lessons to members of the Musivangelists Club. However, on this page only, you can get 2, 30-minute private lessons with me for 25% off the normal price. Upgrade your order today for only $75! 

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