Dr. Douglas Pew, American composer praised by Tabernacle Choir Director, Dr. Craig Jessop for “writing music filled with sensitivity and beauty, always complementing the spirit of the text” reveals...
If you know you’re “called to the work” of declaring your testimony through music... I can show you how to craft irresistible “warm fuzzy” moments in every piece you write using my “claim your inheritance” method for modeling the great composers — I’ll even give you precise examples you can ethically steal from me and copy into your music!
If you can play at least "some" of the standard Hymns and Primary Songs on the piano, I can teach you to write emotionally-effective, powerful testimony music, guaranteed!

"I'm amazed how you can get such good music out of us, and that every one of our songs is so unique. Every one of them has something so beautiful in it. It just blows my mind to think that we did this!"
- Claire Nabrotzky, Palmyra New York
From: Dr. Douglas Pew
Just North of Utah Lake
Lehi, Utah
Dear Fellow Latter-Day Church Musician,
I know you’ve felt them. Those warm, fuzzy, soothing, intoxicating musical “feels.”
Oooo… aren’t those musical testimony shivers just the best?!

Dr. Doug (right) with his teacher, world-renowned Polish choral composer, Dr. Paweł Łukaszewski who taught him to turn all his musical endeavors toward service to God.
If you’re like me, it’s those musical “feels” that got you addicted to powerful music in the first place. It’s what caused you to want to learn to play, sing, or participate in music in some shape or form.
But when it comes to writing music...
Can you really learn how to create powerful "Warm Fuzzy" moments if you're a music-writing rookie?
Actually, YES! You totally can.
I’ve spent my career as a composer seeking out, studying, dissecting, and applying all the tantalizing musical "feels" I can learn and inserting them into my own music as often as possible.
I used many of these musical “warm fuzzy” secrets when composing my 2 operas for the John F. Kennedy Center, my Chilean suite of piano pieces for my Carnegie Hall debut, a full-scale Mass for the Catholic Church in Poland, Sacred Cantatas for my St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Cincinnati, and many other works and performing ensembles.
I also use them each time I compose a hymn arrangement, Ward Choir piece, Primary Song, or any other Sacrament Meeting music.

Snapshot (with lots of glare) of Dr. Doug's 2nd John F. Kennedy Center Opera Premiere Poster.
For the past few years, I've been teaching Latter-Day Saint musicians how to use these same musical "warm fuzzy" tools. These faith-filled songwriters and composers have written many wonderful Primary Songs, Hymns, and Hymns Arrangements using these methods.

Weekly Live Zoom Calls for Critique and Q&A

A Resource Library of Harmony Courses
Complete Chord Library. Short, easy-to-use video tutorials of all diatonic chords and the "most common" chromatic chords. Plus, you'll learn how to plug them into the Harmonic Progression Chart so you know where to take each chord next.
Composing Melodies & Variations. In this tutorial, you'll dig into how great melodies are composed. Without melody, music wouldn't stick nearly as well. And neither would the gospel message set to music. Now you can learn to craft more powerful melodies and know how to develop them through the power of "variation" technique, just like the master composers.
Intro To Harmony. Need to start from the very beginning? This is the place to start! You'll get a solid foundation in the fundamentals of harmony right from the very beginning. This will prepare you perfectly for the rest of the courses inside the Club.
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Diatonic Voice-Leading. The incredible power of linear, polyphonic music and how to connect chords in the smoothest, most emotionally seductive ways. This is where true resonance in music starts to become a reality!
Chromatic Harmony. Unlocking a more full spectrum of harmony that reaches down into your listener's heart and squeezes their emotional "feels." These are the enticing techniques great Romantic composers like Chopin, Schumann, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, John Williams, and many others use to intoxicate their listeners.
Post-Romantic Harmony. Filling your music with the juicy colors of exotic musical warmth. These techniques of early 20th-century composers like Debussy, Ravel, Strauss, Mahler, Puccini, and others, will take your music from black-and-white to amazing technicolor of emotional intensity.
[COMING SOON] Majestic Modulation. Discovering the complete magical world of modulation so you can turn each new hymn arrangement into a true emotional journey.
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Week #1: Melody of the Month

Week #2: Chord Progression of the Month

Week #3: Piano Mantra of the Month

Week #4: Voice Leading Tip of the Month

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